Lead Coach: Ben Dinsdale
General Age Guidance: 11-15 yrs
Pool: 7x swim sessions
Land: 1x land session
11:15 hours of training a week maximum
A swimmer advances to Junior Age Group (JAG) when they are ready to start longer endurance sets. To measure a swimmer’s readiness we use Test Sets conducted in DEV as well as Coaches observations on technique and attitude to assess whether they are ready to make the move.
In JAG Squad the swimmers will continue to hone in on their technical skills for all 4 strokes as well as Starts, Turns and Finishes, but the inclusion of endurance swimming and speed skills are introduced into the programme.
JAG swimmers are given more opportunities to compete at advanced competitions. Swimmers who wish to achieve County or Regional times will be supported, with no pressure on the swimmer to do so.
Swimmers are encouraged to do as little or as much as they wish to do, but should always turn up with a good attitude, an open mind, respectful of coaches and teammates and, most of all, to HAVE FUN!